A message from our Sr. Warden

 The Vestry is working diligently to better understand the finances at St. Paul's to better identify our needs and the resources we have to
meet those needs. As announced earlier we are doing a project this summer to learn more about various aspects of our financial situation
and to make recommendations for improvements in some of the ways we are currently operating.  There are 5 sub-committees who are working on these different aspects.  We will devote some time at each of our Vestry meetings through September to discuss the work the
sub-committees are doing and expect to be able to report more fully to the congregation in October before the pledging period of the Stewardship campaign and before finalizing a budget for 2024.

The 5 committees are
1. Analyzing trends in our finances over the last 5 years to help us predict what to expect going forward - David Parkhurst, Karen Davis,
and Hank Head
2. Review and identify our anticipated major expenditures, our major assets, and confirm our inventory - James Buck, Mike Davis, and Rick Angell
3. Explore revenue streams and sources including soliciting online gifts, in person giving, facility usage fees, and using our building as a ministry - Gina Elsner, Mario Nicolais, and Saoirse Charis-Graves
4. Develop an educational program for planned giving and estate planning for the congregation - Bill Schmitz, Tata Tippett, and Kristin Sesko
5. Develop a Capital Improvement Plan and consider timing of a capital campaign to raise funds for capital improvement = Ross Fraser, Susan Geiger, and Don Davenport

In addition at the June meeting, the Vestry heard the plans for returning to common cup communion and supported the plan for having
separate cups for sipping and intincting with the strong recommendation that Chalice Ministers not be required to vest for services.  They also affirmed the plan to celebrate birthdays and anniversaries on a monthly basis starting in July, heard information about the search for a new regular organist/pianist to serve on Sunday mornings, and discussed an update to the planning to continue building A Community of Renewed Spirit. We were all pleased to hear that recent improvements in the gutters and downspouts have kept the building mostly dry this summer despite the heavy rains and hail. Thanks be to God and the great work of Susan Geiger(Jr. Warden), Don Davenport, and Tim Cake.

Ross Fraser
Senior Warden