Things Hidden Wednesday Evenings During Easter 2024

Based on approaches to scripture in the book by Richard Rohr, Things Hidden, this short series of three 90 minute sessions was designed to help us find ourselves and center our individual experiences and our faith lives in the Bible.

Much like our Lenten Series, Speaking of Sin, we used the Discord app for comments and questions. Each class was offered on Zoom and in person, giving participants the option to participate from home.

Class One Notes - May 8, 2024

Something to get us started

2 Timothy 3.16 “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work.”

(The reference seems to be pointing to Jewish scripture, not “The Bible” as we know it which would even have been compiled for another three to four hundred years.

The word “inspired” may be better translated as “God-breathed.” It means life-giving. Sort of like God breathed into Adam and Eve the breath of life and spirit.

Our task here is to begin to understand scripture as life-giving for us.

What does that mean and how do we get to it?

Take what you like…

There is a saying in the recovery community, “Take what you like, leave the rest, and keep coming back.” For our benefit, when talking about scripture and its place and impact on our lives, we might change that slightly to, “Take what you like, embrace the rest, and keep coming back.”

Does it have to be that hard?

The notion of wrestling with scripture has been talked about. I want to offer, for our purposes here over the next few weeks, another way to see it. Rather than wrestling with scripture, we see it not as a formidable opponent, but something that gives us permission to allow the Spirit which inhabits the text to have its way with us, so to speak. That means, rather than thinking hard about it, we sit softly in its company and allow it some space in our spiritual lives.

(Later in the class we will practice Lectio Divina which we will be encouraged to explore on our own.)

Small Group Discussion One

Question: How do you view the Bible now?

Be honest in your answers. Our relationship with scripture is complicated at times. This is a safe space - no judgments here, no criticisms; only the desire to learn and be transformed in some way by an authentic relationship with the Spirit that is present to us. And God can handle our criticisms and complaints about scripture.

Report out.

Small Group Discussion Two

Developing Trust: In what ways have you trusted or distrusted authority - inner and outer? How has this changed for you over time.

Report out.