During the season of Advent, we offer daily meditations, activities, prayers, and music, Monday - Friday, for you and your family. We also offer services and celebrations here at St. Paul's for you to enjoy. Please contact us for more information, subscribe to our weekly newsletter, or come to St. Paul's for worship and prayer.
Dec. 3rd - Advent 1: Holy Communion at 8:00 am & 10:30 am
Dec. 10th - Advent 2: Holy Communion at 8:00 am & 10:30 am
Dec. 17th - Advent 3: Holy Communion at 8:00 am & 10:30 am; Lessons and Carols service at 3:00 pm
Dec. 24th - Advent 4: Holy Communion at 9:00 am; Family Christmas Eve Service at 4:00 pm; Choral Celebration at 8:00 pm
Friday, December 22nd
Family Activity: Try a Christmas recipe from a different country.
Ily Holbrook shares stories, scriptures and recipes from the website 'Make Ready the Feast'.
Read more about German spritz cookies and try making them at home.
Try your hand at Filipino Chicken Arroz Caldo (chicken porridge)
Thursday, December 21st
'In Night's Dim Shadows Lying', arranged by George Guest and performed by the Cante Deo Chamber Choir
In night’s dim shadows lying,
Our limbs fast lock’d in sleep,
To thee, with faithful sighing,
Our souls their vigil keep.
View full hymn text here
Wednesday, December 20th
Pop artist Sting sings his version of 'Gabriel's Message'.
The Angel Gabriel from heaven came,
his wings as drifted snow, his eyes as flame;
'All hail,' said he, 'thou lowly maiden Mary,
most highly favoured lady.'
View full hymn text here
Tuesday, December 19th
Allison Olsson shares a beautiful arrangement of 'O Come, O Come Emmanuel' for cello and piano.
O come, O come, Immanuel,
and ransom captive Israel
that mourns in lonely exile here
until the Son of God appear.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Immanuel
shall come to you, O Israel.
View full hymn text here
Monday, December 18th
'Pray and Watch': Allan Cole shares a video from The Work of the People, a website dedicated to films for discovery and transformation.
German Theologian Jürgen Moltmann has been heavily influential in my thinking about God and Jesus, and you have surely heard his influences in my preaching. His understanding of Advent and God’s coming into to the world captures for me what I believe what the true Advent means and how we might enter into it.
View the video on the website here.
Friday, December 15th
'Esperar' - In Spanish, The word for “to wait” is the same as the word for “to hope.” Esperar.
In this blog post on Episcopal Church Foundation's website, Anna Olson, rector of Saint Mary's Episcopal Church in Los Angeles, contemplates hopeful waiting and waitful hoping during Advent.
Read the full blog post here.
Subscribe to ECF Vital practices for articles, blog posts, and helpful tools.
Thursday, December 14th
'AdventWord' - A Global Event calendar from the Anglican Communion
The Anglican Communion provides a word for each day of Advent. You can subscribe to the calendar, and even upload your photos and connect to the calendar using the hashtag #AdventWord on social media.
View the calendar here
See their facebook page
Subscribe to the daily email
Wednesday, December 13th
'Comfort, comfort Ye my People'
Allison Olsson, Director of Music at St. Paul's, shares a piece by Claude Goudimel, sung by the Compline Choir of St. John's Cathedral in Los Angeles.
See full text here
Tuesday, December 12th
Ily Holbrook shares a great activity for older children and teenagers
Here are some ways to be generous in spirit, being mindful, and living with gratitude in this season:
Take a photo or a draw a picture a day for all of Advent. Be inspired by words of Advent:
1 - hope, 2 - community, 3 - prepare, 4 - faith, 5 - journey,
6 - wisdom, 7 - wait, 8 - peace, 9 - justice, 10 - listen,
11 - promise, 12 - unity, 13 - mystery, 14 - awake, 15 - joy,
16 - freedom, 17 - grace, 18 - comfort, 19 - delight, 20 - gratitude,
21 - gift, 22 - good news, 23 - welcome, 24 - love, 25 - light
Monday, December 11th
Ily Holbrook gives us a way to prayer for other families throughout the year
Christmas card prayers
As Christmas cards arrive during December, place them in a basket in a noticeable area. Once a day, pull out one card and pray for that person or family together. Keep the Christmas card basket out all year and pray regularly for other families.
Friday, December 8th
The Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles – The rock stars of chant
In today's Advent offering, our rector, Allan Cole, talks about discovering the Benedictines of Mary and their gift for chant:
"A few years ago during Advent, I came across the Benedictines of Mary and their music. All it took was one listen to their collection of Advent hymns called Advent at Ephesus. For me, that collection of chant is my Advent meditation. Take a moment to learn about them through the links. I know this music will mean something to you and stir in you a feeling of Advent." In peace, Allan+
LISTEN on Spotify
ORDER a CD on their website
Thursday, December 7th
'Keep Awake' - a sermon by Br. Lucas Hall, Society of Saint John the Evangelist
The sun is setting. The night has begun. The season of Advent marks the start of the new Church year, and, like the Jewish day that begins once the sun has descended, our year begins with the night season. CLICK HERE to begin
Wednesday, December 6th
'E'en so Lord Jesus'
Allison Olsson, Director of Music at St. Paul's, shares a favorite Advent piece, sung by the Choir of St. John's College, Cambridge.
Peace be to you and grace from him Who freed us from our sins,
Who loved us all and shed his blood That we might saved be.
Sing holy, holy to our Lord, The Lord, Almighty God,
Who was and is and is to come; Sing holy, holy, Lord!
Rejoice in heaven, all ye that dwell therein, Rejoice on earth, ye saints below,
For Christ is coming, is coming soon!
E'en so, Lord Jesus, quickly come, And night shall be no more;
they need no light nor lamp nor sun, For Christ will be their all.
Tuesday, December 5th
Family activity - Make your own 99 cent Advent wreaths (includes prayer for each week), using the Building Faith website. CLICK HERE to begin
Older youth - Subscribe to d365 Advent series, 'Follow the Star'. CLICK HERE to begin
Monday, December 4th
'Advent in 2 minutes'
Watch this short video from Busted Halo, which gives a framework to view all of Advent.