— Continued from Weekly News
The Committee researched companies who work with congregations on a consulting basis to help them with capital campaigns and also developed a packet of information that represents St. Paul's and the needs and priorities we heard from the parish. We sent the information packets and a specific Request for Proposal outlining our needs to 8 firms who work in fundraising. We worked with these firms during August and September answering questions and clarifying our requests. Five firms submitted proposals which have now been reviewed by the committee. We are focusing on the proposals from two of the firms and also considering more specifically whether we can do a capital campaign using only people from St. Paul's. The committee will be continuing that conversation for the next few weeks.and plans to submit its recommendations to the Vestry in November.
During the same time a separate Capital Improvement Committee (CIP) has been reviewing our most urgent facility needs and has developed a DRAFT of priorities which was presented to the Vestry last night for more discussion. The CIP will be continuing to gather more financial information over the next few weeks.
The plan is for the Vestry to consider both the recommendations of the Capital Campaign Committee and the CIP by the end of November and to schedule meetings with the congregation before Christmas to share specific information and gather feedback. Please stay tuned. I will update info for the Weekly News every couple of weeks as we have updates about our progress. Please do hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. These are important questions and decisions for St. Paul's and I want to hear from you as you join all of the Vestry and Capital committee members in praying and trying to discern God's will for us and our future.
Ross Fraser, Senior Warden