Pastoral Care Ministry
Pastoral Care Ministry provides spiritual support and a listening heart to everyone in our parish family.
In October 2013, a group of 10 parishioners began a series of classes centered on the book Contemplative Compassion: Creating a Culture of Care in Faith Communities by Sarah Butler Berlin. This group is the basis for the Pastoral Care Ministry (PCM). The Pastoral Care Ministry is a support group for our church family. While the group initially formed to support our parish pastoral needs during The Rev'd Allan Cole's sabbatical, it will be an on-going ministry within the church.
So what does the Pastoral Care Ministry do? You may receive a note or a call from the Ministry members to let you know your church family is thinking of you. This may especially be true if it is known that someone is going through changes and challenges. It is also hoped this will encourage parishioners to inform the church when such events occur. PCM is available to visit parishioners in the hospital or their homes and has the ability to provide Eucharist if desired.