I gave a $50 bill to ‘Lawrence,’ homeless man in Golden for at least 15 years, to replace his backpack which he said was falling apart. I have seen Lawrence in Golden at the Community Center, McDonalds, Meyer Hardware, and various places on the Golden streets and the bike path for years. I have occasionally greeted him and talked with him. Today I asked him, “Do you have what you need?” He then told me about his backpack need, to which I responded that I would help him replace it, and I gave him the $50 bill which came from a LoveForward envelope I had gotten at church a couple of weeks ago. I briefly told him that funds came from the LoveForward program and some things about it.
Lawrence has been ministered to by a former photography student of mine who serves as a campus minister at Red Rocks Community College, and I could have asked about that but I didn’t. Maybe I will see Lawrence the next time. I look forward to seeing his new backpack. This experience gave me a sense of satisfaction and peace; very much a blessing!
-Harry Olsson